
Hi – I’m Kate – shoestring traveler to Indonesia, Nepal, India, Tibet, Malaysia, Thailand, Spain, Russia, Siberia, and more – well-trained and loyal servant to 5 whippets and 2 Dalmatians – blogger about all things travel and dogs. Join me to explore the amazing adventure that can give you location independence.

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  1. Wow! What an article..direct from heart…lovely way of describing..many times it is that feeling of homesickness and being with different people who do not understand you bring us a lot of stress.

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks for your kind words. Nice that in our modern world we can choose our home.

  2. We left “home” to make a new one in Australia only intending to stay 5 years. We’ve been here 8 years now. My husband and I will always have a connection back to God Zone New Zealand but I can see our children settling in Western Australia.

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Huia. Yes, home is wherever you make it.

  3. I loved reading your article. Having not done must travelling out of my own country it was lovely to read about your adventures.

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Laura. And it was lovely to live my adventures – at least most of the time.

  4. What a great piece on the power of belonging. I appreciate how you recognize there are positive and negatives of Java, yet it’s still the right fit for you. I feel similarly about my move to Montana from the East Coast. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Ramona. Glad you found your home – doesn’t it feel great?

  5. What a great story! I have always wanted to go to Indonesia (Bali, like you mentioned).

    I love traveling and never got further east of France, or West of Hawaii. There is a whole world waiting for me to explore (well, part of the world)!

    Thanks for sharing, Kate!

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Paul. There’s a lot more to Indonesia than Bali so if you ever make it to Bali, be sure to check out some other parts. If you come to Yogyakarta, I’ll be your guide!

  6. Such a great read, thank you!

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Mary. Happy you liked it.

  7. Nice article, I also left the area I grew up in years ago and moved across the country. I would love to visit some other places.

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Anita. Isn’t it great to find a place that you love?

  8. What a great blot Kate! The saying goes, “home is where your heart is” and it sounds like you found the perfect place for your heart! I love the pink flower!!

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Martha. Very true – home is definitely where your heart is. The pink flower is a lotus blossom.

  9. Jyll Hoyrup says:

    This article hit close to home (ha, pun intended) as I recently took a leap from Seattle to Belize 3.5 years ago. While I do not feel Belize is my ‘home’, I feel it has been an intricate part of my Journey to find and BE my Authentic Self. Very inspiring article Kate. We’d probably have a lot to talk about!

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Jyll. Yes, you and I could talk well into the wee hours of any morning. Belize has been on my radar for many years. I’m a diver and hear that Belize has great diving.

  10. What a great article. I had tears in my eyes reading this because I can understand your feeling of not feeling like you belong. I plan to travel with my son in the future and I feel like this is going to be us – we plan to only travel a year, but I’m hoping that we’ll find a place we can call home.

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, April. I’m sure your year of travel will be wonderful. If you don’t find your home in that time, just keep going.

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