
Hi – I’m Kate – shoestring traveler to Indonesia, Nepal, India, Tibet, Malaysia, Thailand, Spain, Russia, Siberia, and more – well-trained and loyal servant to 5 whippets and 2 Dalmatians – blogger about all things travel and dogs. Join me to explore the amazing adventure that can give you location independence.

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  1. Of course, you are the one who moved along in your life! For some people, I appear to have had an easy time in life, but nope! I created myself from difficult circumstances so I can feel you and say: congratulations on choices well made. 🙂

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks, Stella. The important thing that came out of my journey was my realization of how powerful I am. That wasn’t easy earlier on in my journey – took me a long time to recognize it.

      I love your website name – theenergizedme – how perfect!

  2. Never stopped to consider whether something was luck or destiny. When a door opened to a new venture, I just walked through, ready to take the lumps or reap the reward. Made for a life of interesting adventures.

    1. Kate says:

      That’s the best way. Take on all opportunities and live the adventure!

  3. Jyll Hoyrup says:

    I have people tell me this too (I left Seattle for a 2-week vacation in Belize and never returned – that was 3.5 years ago)…that I’m blessed or lucky. I feel it’s Choice. We create our Reality – if we don’t like it, we can change it. Kudos to you for taking those leaps towards your dream!!

    1. Kate says:

      That sounds like me. I came to Indonesia for a 3-month work assignment – and 36 years later, I’m still here. You’re so right – we create our own reality. Hope you’re in Belize for a long time. Or maybe you’ll find a new destination – it’s all up to the individual.

  4. Luck and destiny are always hard work I find. It takes work even to walk through an open door. Everything looks easy when you’re just observing and not doing. Takes courage and work to take risks. Good on you!


    1. Kate says:

      Perfectly said ‘Everything looks easy when you’re just observing and not doing.’ Thanks, Lily. I hope you don’t mind if I make a social media graphic and use your quote. Of course, I’ll credit you for the quote.

  5. I love that I found a like mind here. I really believe everybody in the world gets the same allotment of opportunities and challenges– perhaps on different scales–and that’s destiny. What a person chooses to do about the good or bad “luck” makes the ultimate difference between satisfaction and dissatisfaction, happiness and misery. Some of us choose to be happy and that’s definitely on us! I have a huge wastebasket filled with mistakes, but those unwritten pads are what I look at. Thanks for the lovely post.

    1. Kate says:

      Thanks Ranee. Yes, it’s all about how we react to the ‘luck’ that faces us. We have the power.

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