Should you be worried about danger when traveling? Don’t worry. Just be prepared, use your common sense, and follow the tips in this post. As a tour director for 18 years and as a traveler for …
Be Irresistible When You Travel – It’s Incredibly Easy
Travel is your passion, right? You want to see the world. Being a social butterfly while traveling might not excite you. And you certainly might not like buddying up with friends or travelers you meet …
How Many Visas Are in Your Passport?
“You have not demonstrated that you have the ties that will compel you to return to your home country after your travel to the United States.”Americans — please don’t complain about the trouble involved in getting a …
Be an Engaging Ambassador
Venturing out to new, exotic destinations can be very exciting, but it can also be a little scary. And if you’re scared, you might not be as friendly or as outgoing as usual. You might …
Critical Knowledge for a Fantastic Travel Experience
Traveling is a lot of fun, but as you have seen in previous posts, you need to do a lot of work before you depart to make sure that your travel experience goes as smoothly …
Choosing an Enchanting Place to Visit
Do you have an overflowing, tantalizing bucket list? How will you pick one spot to start your travel adventure? You may have read my previous posts about budgeting for travel.Is Going Better Than Staying? Travel or …
How to Budget for Travel Without Totally Cramping Your Style
Get out your crystal ball or your Ouija board to answer this question. The answers you’ll get from either of those tools will probably be as accurate as what you can figure out on your …
Can You Speak Indonesian? The answer might surprise you.
I’m sure that your immediate response was in the negative — unless of course, you’re Indonesian or have been living there a long time as I have. But you probably don’t realize that you already know …
Is Long-Term Travel Right for You?
As a follow up to my recent post Does Long-Term Travel Sound Appealing?, I’d like to help you begin to figure out whether you’d really thrive as a vagabond. If you’re going to hit the road, …
Fire, Death, and Rebirth
Late October and early November 2010 was a time no one living in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, will ever forget. Mt. Merapi, one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the world just north of Yogyakarta, …
Women in Indonesia
I’ve been writing a lot of posts about Indonesia. That’s natural, right? It’s where I’ve made my home for more than 40 years. You may not know much about Indonesia other than the Bali bombing …
When Death Isn’t Goodbye
I’ve thought a lot about death recently. My mom is 92 years old and has severe dementia. I realize that her time on earth is coming to an end. I don’t think any of us like …