Expat Living

Unlocking the World with TEFL Certification

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Have you ever thought about living overseas?

Think about the excitement of exploring other cultures, seeing the wonders of the world, and even making new friends.

You can stay in one place a year or two and then move to another place.

Yes, you can do exactly that. But beware! That was my plan, but I ended up staying in the first overseas location for more than 40 years. And I’m not planning to move any time soon.

How Can You Support Yourself Financially?

You might have started feeling adventurous if you read my recent article What Is the Best College Major for Living Overseas? That article gives advice to college students who want to move overseas after graduation.

But what if you’ve already finished college and don’t have a wad of cash to support you while you live overseas?

Don’t worry! I’ve got a solution to help you.

Have you ever thought about being a teacher?

Or does the idea of teaching turn you off? I certainly didn’t want to teach. I had taught in the U.S. for six agonizing years and promised myself that I’d never do it again. I really didn’t like it.

But keep an open mind. Imagine stepping off a plane in a country you’ve seen only in movies, ready to immerse yourself in a new culture, language, and way of life – and you’ve already got a way to earn a living at the same time.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

A TEFL certification can be life-changing.

One of the best ways to bring in some money while living overseas is to become a TEFL teacher. Yes, you can become certified to teach English as a foreign language in just a few months.

TEFL certification can even give you the flexibility of teaching online, and your classroom can be anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection.

Whichever path appeals to you, the key to unlocking these opportunities is getting certified in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

And age is not an issue. TEFL teachers come in all ages, races, and genders.

Why TEFL Certification Is Essential

TEFL certification is your passport to prove that –

  • you’re qualified to teach English to non-native speakers
  • you understand the fundamentals of language acquisition
  • you can effectively manage a classroom

Speaking from personal experience, I can assure you that you’ll rely on this training every day on the job.

I have to admit, however, that it is sometimes possible to get work teaching English without a TEFL credential, but you would probably be called on only when the language school was desperate for teachers. In other words, you wouldn’t have steady work with the best teaching assignments

Even online platforms often require TEFL certification because it reassures them that you have the knowledge and skills to provide quality instruction.

Let’s take a look at both in-person and online programs.

Learn English mind map flowchart with marker, education concept for presentations and reports

Advantages of In-Person Certification

  1. Immediate feedback: In a classroom setting, you receive real-time feedback from experienced instructors to help you develop your teaching style.
  2. Peer interaction: You work alongside fellow trainees, sharing ideas and learning from each other’s experiences. This camaraderie can be motivating and provide a support network when you actually embark on your teaching journey.
  3. Teaching practice: Most in-person TEFL courses include a practical teaching component where you’ll teach real students. This experience can be both nerve-wracking and incredibly rewarding, giving you a taste of what to expect in your future classroom.

Keep in mind that in-person courses require a significant time commitment. Most programs are four to six weeks of full-day schedules that include lectures, workshops, and teaching practice.

There’s also the financial consideration of in-person programs. Tuition can range from $1,000 to $2,500, depending on the location and provider, and you’ll need to factor in living expenses for the location of the course.

Advantages of Online Certification:

  1. Flexibility: You can fit your studies around your existing commitments because online courses are typically self-paced, perfect if you can’t commit to a full-time course or want to take your time mastering the material.
  2. Cost-effective: Online TEFL courses range from $200 to $1,500, making them more affordable and more accessible than in-person programs.
  3. Accessible resources: Many online courses offer a wealth of resources, including video lessons, interactive quizzes, forums, and downloadable materials that you can access anytime to review as often as needed.
  4. Global network: Online courses often connect you with a diverse group of peers and instructors from around the world, leading to enriching discussions and a broader perspective on teaching English in different cultural contexts.

Although online courses seem to be a better choice at first glance, they come with their own set of challenges. Will you give it your all without the structure of a classroom?

You also miss out on the immediate feedback and in-person teaching practice that in-person courses offer.

Choosing the Right TEFL Course

Whether you choose an in-person or online course, be sure to select a program that’s accredited by a reputable organization to ensure that the course meets industry standards and is recognized by language school employers worldwide. Look for courses that offer at least 120 hours of instruction, which is the minimum requirement for many teaching jobs.

When comparing courses, consider the following factors:

  1. Course content: Does the course cover all the essential areas, including grammar, lesson planning, classroom management, and teaching methodologies? Does it offer any specializations, such as teaching young learners or business English?
  2. Instructor qualifications: Are the instructors experienced TEFL professionals? Do they have advanced degrees in education or linguistics? Their expertise can make a significant difference in the quality of the training.
  3. Student support: What kind of support does the course offer during and after the program? Does the course help with job placement assistance and resume building? That kind of support can be invaluable as you search for your first teaching job.
  4. Reviews and reputation: What do past students have to say about the course? Look for reviews and testimonials to gauge the program’s effectiveness and the satisfaction of its graduates.

Beyond Certification: The Next Steps

Once you’ve completed your TEFL certification, the world is your oyster. You’ll have the credentials to apply for teaching jobs in countries ranging from Thailand to Spain to South Korea. Some language schools offer contracts that include benefits like housing, health insurance, and airfare reimbursement, making it easier to make the leap to a new country.

If you plan to teach online, a TEFL certificate opens doors to the opportunity to teach students from around the world, unparalleled flexibility to set your own schedule, work from anywhere, and choose the types of students you want to teach, whether children, adults, or business professionals.

The Joys and Challenges of Teaching English

Teaching English, whether abroad or online, is a unique and rewarding experience. Remember that I swore I’d never do classroom teaching again.

But when I ended up in Indonesia, teaching English at a language school was the only option I could find in order to stay indefinitely. So I decided to give it a try.

At my desk in between classes back in my younger days

I wasn’t TEFL certified, but I had a B.S. in Education and experience teaching foreign language in the U.S. I figured if I could teach Spanish to non-Spanish-speaking students in the U.S., I should be able to teach my own native language as a foreign language.

I ended up teaching English to Indonesians for 15 years and loved it.

The Bottom Line

Getting certified in TEFL is a career move, but it’s also an adventure. Whichever path to certification you take, being TEFL certified will prepare you for a fulfilling and dynamic career. The possibilities are endless – teaching in bustling cities, remote villages, or from the comfort of your home office. The world is waiting, and with a TEFL certificate in hand, you’re ready to explore it.


Hi – I’m Kate – shoestring traveler to Indonesia, Nepal, India, Tibet, Malaysia, Thailand, Spain, Russia, Siberia, and more. Well-trained and loyal servant to 5 whippets and a Dalmatian. Blogger about all things travel, expat living, and dogs.

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